My Portfolio
Travel Planner App
Built in: 2019
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Webpack, Babel, Jest, API
Project requirements -
There should be URLS and API Keys for at least 3 APIs, including Geonames, Dark Sky, and Pixabay. Webpack config should contain at least 3 scripts, express server, build and test. Additionally, dev server may be included. The project must have service workers installed. Styling is set up in a logical way. All interactive elements have hover states.
Fetch the data from 3 APIs and update the UI. (Udacity - Capstone Project)
Natural Language Processing App
Built in: 2019
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Webpack, Jest, API
Project requirements - Organised files and directories.
Two webpack config files(dev and production).
Separated style folder for SASS files.
Semantic HTML, src/client and src/server folders.
Fetch data from TEXT ANALYSIS API from the local server (Node.js).
Handle and display the errors.
Update the UI with the result.
(Udacity - Project 4)
Weather Journal
Built in: 2019
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, API
Project requirements - Install Node.js and Express.js.
Initiate the local server: server.js.
Fetch the weather from the OpenWeatherMap API.
Save the record in the object on the local server.
The record should include the following: date, weather, and fillings.
Get the data from the local server and update the UI. (Udacity - Project 3)